电话este renewed silver medal in EcoVadis business sustainability­ 2023年评级

特拉斯特又说 silver medal as recognition of its EcoVadis 2023年评级. The rating evaluates ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance of organizations based on four pillars: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. 与 总分65分/100分, 电话este is among the best performing 12% of the evaluated companies.

EcoVadis sustainability rating has been part of 电话este’s corporation level ESG toolbox since 2018. The rating provides us valuable insight into our sustainability performance and helps identify areas where we can improve our practices to make a meaningful impact. As we strive to reduce our environmental footprint, prom­ote ethical business practices, and support the well-being of our employees, the rating also enables transparent communication about our efforts and strategies to our customers.­

Understanding 电话este’s 2023 result

The EcoVadis assessment focuses on 21 sustainability criteria grouped under four themes: environment, 劳动力 & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. In addition to the overall rating that reflects the quality of the company’s sustainability management system at the time of the assessment, each theme provides a more nuanced understanding of the company’s performance.

  • 分数和百分位数: 总分65分/100分 电话este is positioned among the top 12% of all companies evaluated. Our score improved compared to the previous year, and there was significant development especially in the field of ethics. Major activities that lead to the result are the establishment of our new Ethics & Compliance steering group instructing and supporting us in the ethics & 合规性问题和新问题 检举通道.
  • 识别水平: Receiving the silver medal places 电话este among the best performing 25% of the companies evaluated, and it is considered to demonstrate the company’s strong commitment to sustainability. The medals’ criteria are reviewed periodically, and they are based on the company’s percentile rank and a minimum theme score.

Going for the gold with goals

在十大可靠彩票平台 十大娱乐彩票平台原则, 环境政策 renewed just in 2022, and our environmental objectives for 2025 and 2030, we have created an action plan to continue improving our performance. Our minds are firmly set on achieving the EcoVadis gold medal in future as one of the milestones of our journey.

作为技术供应商, we want to be a future-proof supplier to our customers and see that driving positive change is an increasingly important factor in our industry. The technology sector is at the pole position to make the difference through new innovations, adopting green technologies and environmentally friendly materials, building sustainable supply chains, and nurturing a global culture of social responsibility and respect.


EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000+评级公司. The EcoVadis rating criteria is built on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000, covering 200+ spend categories and 175+ countries.

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